Sound Healing Course
In Tibetan Buddhist Philosophy, the origin of “Life” is sound and light. Beneath the surface, everyone of us is composed of frequencies and vibrations. Lama Tendar will teach the sacred sound of mantras and Tibetan singing bowls that leads the listeners to a satisfying state of deep relaxation and wellbeing.
The unique power of the Tibetan Buddhism is based on dharma or Buddha’s teaching of sutra and tantra. Sound is wisdom and vibration is compassion. Lama Tendar teaches the principle of healing as the wisdom of recognising afflictive mental sufferings and its causes.
Through wisdom teaching one learns how to develop inner qualities of wisdom and compassion as antidotes to overcome mental afflictions. Such inner quality is the foundation of generating pure sound that calms coarse level mental afflictions and brings the mind to a state of tranquility.
Such calmer state of mind is more suitable to conduct correct observation and therefore develop wise behaviour patterns that leads to true happiness.
Level 1 & 2
In level 1/2, Lama Tendar will teach:
How to live a meaningful life in this precious human rebirth
How to recognise the symptoms of coarse-level mental sufferings and understand their causes - mental afflictions and/or destructive emotions.
Learn and practice in an authentic way the sacred mantras and meditation of Medicine Buddha, Vajrasattva, Manjushri, Avalokiteshvara and Tara from Lama Tendar.
From the inner qualities of compassion and wisdom developed from these deity practices, one learns to generate pure sound for healing.
Learn in an authentic way to play Tibetan sound instruments including gongs, singing bowls, cymbals, and bell and dorje with mudras.
Learn to conduct guided healing meditation with sound and mantras for the healing of self and others

Level 3 & 4
In the Level 3 and 4 course, Lama Tendar will teach:
Introduction to the three higher trainings in moral discipline, mental concentration and wisdom.
Generates the mind of great compassion as the motivation for healing of all sentient beings.
Continue to learn and practice in an authentic way the sacred mantras and meditation of Medicine Buddha, Vajrasattva, Manjushri, Avalokiteshvara, and Tara.
Practice meditation on generating pure vajra body with channels and chakras.
Learn more advanced healing techniques.
Qualification of course level 1 & 2 is required.