Dear Sangha,
We have just successfully completed a seven-day Medicine Buddha Retreat at our centre.
During the retreat 10 practitioners led by our teacher Venerable Lama Tendar practiced Six Session Guru Yoga and Yamantaka Short Sadhana every day in the first session starting 6am.
That is followed by four-session Medicine Buddha Practice daily between 9am to 6pm.
We performed a Medicine Buddha Self and Front Generation Sadhana four times every day and collectively chanted Medicine Buddha Mantra 251,000 times.
Every practice session was performed by first generating the pure intention of working to achieve enlightenment for the benefits of all sentient beings.
Thanks to your participation by sponsoring the retreat, healing energy were also sent to the individuals living or diseased, and groups of people to whom you dedicated your sponsorship to.
We rejoice in your merits. Your sponsorship inspired practitioners to sustain their concentration with pure intention so as to generate as much positive energy for the world as possible.
We sincerely invite everyone to continue support our practice by sponsoring our future events and tell your friends about such wonderful opportunities of generating healing merits for friends and family.
The next wonderful event is a five-day Yamantaka teaching during which Lama Tendar, upon requests from students, will teach how to practice Yamantaka Long Sadhana.
An email about the event will be out shortly. To sponsor this event, go to our donations page and click “GIVE”
Sincerely yours
Ani Dechen
