Celebrating Lama Tendars birthday and 20 years in Australia with a Long Life Offering - Everyone Welcome !

This year marks the 20th anniversary of Lama Tendar being in Australia and the students and Sangha at the Medicine Buddha Centre would like to make a long life mandala offering for his long life and success.
From humble beginnings to opening the beautiful Medicine Buddha Centre in Frankston South, Lama Tendar not only benefited Australia, but the world through his Buddha activities, we rejoice in Lama Tendar’s achievements in Australia.
You are invited to attend this special event at our Centre to celebrate this memorable milestone as well as Lama Tendar’s birthday.
Dinner will be supplied by Lama Tendar in appreciation of your friendship and on going support for him.
You are welcome to bring a plate of sweet to share with everyone.
Date: Saturday 4 March 2023
Time: 2-5pm with dinner to follow
Venue: 132 Kars St, Frankston Sth 3199
RSVP: 24th February
Please RSVP by phone (03) 9766 0768 or email info@tendar.net
Contribution : please bring an offering for Lama Tendar for the long life offering.
Join online via Zoom :
Zoom ID 2900418032
Zoom password 033033
Everyone is welcome to join in the long life offering for this special occasion. Katas and envelopes will be available at the Centre.