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Preliminary Practice and Short Sadhana of Solitary-Hero Yamantaka 


 In Vajrayana Buddhism, Yamantaka, also known as Vajrabhairava, is a wrathful, buffalo-headed-meditational deity (Tib: Yidam) of the Highest Yoga Tantra class.


It was Lama Je Tsongkapa, founder of the Gelug Tradition, who instituted Vajrabhairava as the principal meditation practice of the Gelug School of Tibetan Buddhism (the other practices being Chakrasamvara and Guhyasamaja).


Vajrabhairava is seen as the wrathful manifestation of Manjushri, the buddha of wisdom, and in Sanskrit stands for the “Adamantine Terrifier.” He is also called “Yamantaka,” the Slayer of Death.


Yamantaka is meant to be so fearsome that even the demons run away in fear.  As with all manifestations of the Enlightened, Yamantaka embodies all the qualities of a Buddha.


Students are required to have undertaken initiation previoiuslywith a suitably qualified teacher.  We request that you provide details of your initiation. 


Please email to request this document.


YAMANTAKA Sadhana - Medicine Buddha Centre


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