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Protocols to Observe While Attending the Centre


To ensure that our practices generate merits as pure as possible, it is important that we maintain a strict code of conduct in accordance with individual liberation vows and the ten paths of virtuous actions as explained in Lam Rim Chen Mo by Lama Tzong Khapa.


1. Abstain from intentionally killing any sentient beings;


2. Abstain from stealing (taking what is not given);


3. Abstain from lying (false speech);


4. Abstain from sexual misconduct;


5. Abstain from using intoxicants (smoking, alcohol, and other intoxicant substances);


6. Abstain from coveting, harbouring ill will, and holding wrong views about the law of karma and the Three Jewels;


7. Abstain from harmful speech such as divisive speech, slandering, using harsh words, complaining and gossiping;


8. Refrain from playing music, singing, and dancing at inappropriate times;


9. Engage in respectful speech at all times towards the teachers and other sangha members;


10. Behave in a mindful way at all times towards the teachers and other Sangha members, showing consideration for others around you;


11. No talking during meditation sessions whist in the gompa or other parts of the Centre building, especially during prayer chanting and mantra recitation. For necessary communication whist outside the gompa room, use a low voice.


12. No mobile phone use in the gompa during meditation and recitation. Mobile phones can be used during the breaks if needed.


13. To show respect to the teacher who is a representation of the Three Jewels, please stand up when the teacher enters the gompa and takes a seat. Please then perform three prostrations to the altar after the teacher is seated.


14. If you leave the gompa during a session, please make three prostrations, mentally asking permission from the teacher to leave. When you rejoin the session please also make three prostrations, mentally asking permission to rejoin.


15. While attending the Centre, please leave everywhere clean and please help to clean up.


Please treat your Centre as a sacred place of Buddha’s pure land. Please remember that attending practices at the Centre is for internal practice.


Please try to leave all “external things” behind when you enter a practice session. Avoid as much noise as possible and practice silence and tranquility.


Avoid “worldly things” and try engage mind, body and verbal activities fully on Dharma activities.

Avoid using mobile phones unnecessarily, if talking, avoid taking about non-dharma matters. The whole practice is an act of purifying our body, speech and mind.

General Protocols ( PDF) for Medicine Buddha Centre


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